John Peters - Back to Zero

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John Peters - Back to Zero's avatar
Driving folk/rock from singer - songwriter John Peters. Produced by renowned jazz and country guitarist, Charlie Robinson. 1990
John Peters - Back to Zero's avatar
Title track from "Back to Zero" rock with jazz over tones. Produced by renowned jazz and country guitarist, Charlie Robinson - 1990
John Peters - Back to Zero's avatar
From the CD "Back to Zero" Produced by renowned jazz and country guitarist, Charlie Robinson - 1990

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John Peters - Back to Zero's avatar
Title track from "Back to Zero" rock with jazz over tones. Produced by renowned jazz and country guitarist, Charlie Robinson - 1990
John Peters - Back to Zero's avatar
From the CD "Back to Zero" Produced by renowned jazz and country guitarist, Charlie Robinson - 1990
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songwriter - audio engineer - photographer

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“Back to Zero” - produced by Charlie Robinson. Featuring Charlie Robinson - guitars - bass, Lew Langworthy drums, Craig Strode - horns, Jim Hall Saxaphone, John Peters lyric’s & vocals, mixed by Hugh Santos @ Starshine. Chico Ca

from Chico, United States

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4 tracks