Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
More LoopShifted piano accompanied by Stylus RMX and Omnisphere. At over eight minutes it's perhaps a little self-indulgent but maybe it's more like punting down the river Styx than jet-skiing on a lake of fire.
Guest said

Really love the part around 3 minutes with the piano. Think this is some of your best work, Bags.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
More LoopShifted piano accompanied by Stylus RMX and Omnisphere. At over eight minutes it's perhaps a little self-indulgent but maybe it's more like punting down the river Styx than jet-skiing on a lake of fire.
Guest said

Ha, you need to work on your advertising. ;-) Pretty cool sounds! Have been listening to my children playing Ice Age on their play station all morning - this kind of track would fit perfectly in some of the eerier scenes. Very nice!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
More LoopShifted piano accompanied by Stylus RMX and Omnisphere. At over eight minutes it's perhaps a little self-indulgent but maybe it's more like punting down the river Styx than jet-skiing on a lake of fire.
Guest said

Really spookie late night, gonna check the door locks.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
More LoopShifted piano accompanied by Stylus RMX and Omnisphere. At over eight minutes it's perhaps a little self-indulgent but maybe it's more like punting down the river Styx than jet-skiing on a lake of fire.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Cool sounds mate great mix.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
Guest said

Nice title. ;-) Very cool textures here - love the ethereal backdrop and the understated bass.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Super string particle vibrational quantum nano music. Cool. I AM very tiny.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Now I'm feeling all left out because I have no headphones :(

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool, especially in headphones!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Specs move better in headphone headspace. Highly recommended.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool mix. Great sounds.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Well done my friend.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
Guest said

love that crackle /spark thingie,make a cool scifi track.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Cool sounds mate I dig your tracks mate, never know where your going to take it.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Thank you for the kind words. This track has been interesting for me in that, having felt paralysed for so long, I was in major haste to push it out the door. I didn't stop to think or evaluate, let alone try things different. I just slapped it together and uploaded it. And it is a wild mess. And I think it's very me. I thought I'd listen once then move on. But I've found myself listening to it over and over again. Of the 37 track plays I would guess almost 30 of them are mine. Sister's right in that it has some nice bits around 3m and, for me, especially 5m. If the whole could be as good as those parts I think I'd **really** have something. But where I thought I might be embarrassed at throwing up some half-finished thing instead I've discovered I enjoy this in all it's misshapen beauty. I've started applying the same techniques I used for this in a more deliberate way and I am struggling. Which is great, it feels great to have creative problems again!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Very cool sounds mate.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Innovative and entertaining. Good to hear something new from you.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

That's wild! I can hear your frustration in places

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
Guest said

There are some really cool sequences in here, especially around 3 minutes. I think you expressed a lot through this process - more of the same please.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
lick lichens's avatar
lick lichens said

howzers, love it all. uber visual without handrails

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought I would try a slower piece so Rytme is running at 90BPM and I have introduced a density function that allows me to create sparser pieces. MIDI from Rytme is going to a single track in Logic hosting Kontakt 3 with the Soniccouture…
Guest said

really like this one a lot! great sounds and sense of space.
