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Reichenbach Rekkerd 1

Mr Sandbags

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Another experiment with Reichenbach, my phase-shited looping ensemble for Reaktor 5. This time I fed it a sample from the mixed bag selection #2 called 106_sandylines_01.wav.

I let the sample play through once at normal speed, then began bisecting it until I had it looping about 1/10th of the sample. Then I brought in loopers 2 & 3 running at 1.02x & 1.04x normal speed.

Then I turned on random drift which uses a Reaktor slow random module to vary the loop point in the sample so that it hops about.

For a first go around I think it works well enough although it tended to cluster around the start or end of the sample and this aspect needs more work and more controllability.

Overall I quite enjoyed it though and this ensemble is proving fun to play with.

My thanks to Ronnie for sharing his samples.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Another very cool one mate

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Very very cool.

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