sig076 's listening history

sig076 's avatar
Me, Les Paul, Fender amp, Mic.
sig076 's avatar
Me, Les Paul, Fender amp, Mic.
sig076 's avatar
Me, Les Paul, Fender amp, Mic.
sig076 's avatar
just a nice blues track i wrote. Brian Bazeley on Bass once again with an awesome Bass line!! Hope you enjoy it.
sig076 's avatar
Absolutely love this song so had 2 do a cover. Alot harder guitar work and few minor changes. Once again with Brian Bazeley on Bass guitar.
sig076 's avatar
just a nice blues track i wrote. Brian Bazeley on Bass once again with an awesome Bass line!! Hope you enjoy it.
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Threw a little bit of Bass and a few strings onto J.S.'s rather exquisite, ( good old spell chucker), lead guitar and piano.
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Gary has very kindly allowed me to add a bit of bass to this rather niffty number.
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Just added a few more bags to this one. Hope the water doesn't run out.
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Made the piano intro up years ago. So every time I sit down at a piano I play it. Hopefully it bolts on nicely to the fat stack riff. The pause at the start is because I had to press record and then dash over to the piano.