sleggthesockpuppet's listening history
A track written by Alex over 10 years ago and yet the lyrics seem more relevant today than they even were back then. Recorded and mixed by other Spencer sibling, Tomas.
Written by Ross ... you might have heard this somewhere before ...! Stay tuned for a duet version of this one day.
Lyrics by Thomas Hardy in 1928, put to music by Alex in 2010. Rough demo.
A rough demo of a song co-written by Alex and her friend Millay. The song is a gift for Millay's sister, and although Millay is not a musician and has her difficulties keeping a tune, she bravely sang harmonies on the chorus. Also recorded and…
Lyrics by Thomas Hardy in 1928, put to music by Alex in 2010. Rough demo.
Lyrics by Thomas Hardy in 1928, put to music by Alex in 2010. Rough demo.
Lyrics by Thomas Hardy in 1928, put to music by Alex in 2010. Rough demo.
Written for a good friend. Rough demo jammed along with by the folk who were around during the recording.
Admitting I'd probably never own a Sea Plane, I decided to put one in a song and find out what might have happened.
Written for a group of friends I had the pleasure of getting to know one year in southern Germany. A graduating class from the Black Forest Academy.