slkrell's listening history

Radio Roswell's avatar
shwew.....more harmonies around maj 7ths. crazy fun right ? not really..ok it kind of is...but ridiculous.. California Words & Music ©2019 J.Cole Does it look like the postcards ? from the 70’s that you sent me Is it really a hotel…
slkrell's avatar
More Banjo more Cow bell
montgomeru's avatar
The Calculus Affair's avatar
Keith Landry's avatar
I know why you love The Starry Night I know why you weren't all right I know why you couldn't stay I know why you're here today I know why you couldn't see I know why, 'cuz you were me I know why you loved to paint in blue I know why…
slkrell's avatar
More Banjo more Cow bell
slkrell's avatar
whew, well it does upload eventully. new look , very quirky Blind Blake It took two weeks to learn this syncopated Picking style, Well worth the effort.
slkrell's avatar
well that's more like it now you'all can like it !! the strange endings are to tell me if you hang long enough to tell or I am lazy.
slkrell's avatar
Yah its going to be Fat Tuesday, king cake, Green Purple and Gold and all Carnival. see you all dancing on Canal Street
slkrell's avatar
Yah its going to be Fat Tuesday, king cake, Green Purple and Gold and all Carnival. see you all dancing on Canal Street