slkrell's listening history

Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
MID SUMMER A mid-Summer's night's dream The days are slipping by Amid the rushing stream I take the time to cry The end is hurling near I stand with open arms I sing the tunes I hear While falling for her charms She is why I'm…
Merry Bear's avatar
MID SUMMER A mid-Summer's night's dream The days are slipping by Amid the rushing stream I take the time to cry The end is hurling near I stand with open arms I sing the tunes I hear While falling for her charms She is why I'm…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Been Working on this for months
Johnny Stone's avatar
I dig Ritchie
Merry Bear's avatar
DECENCY AND HONESTY AND TRUTH - Lyrics by (mostly) Terry "The Bear" Brown - and (not so much) Merry Bear. - Music by Merry Bear. Three children born, their single mother Molested as a child And made a little wild - By her father and her…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
DECENCY AND HONESTY AND TRUTH - Lyrics by (mostly) Terry "The Bear" Brown - and (not so much) Merry Bear. - Music by Merry Bear. Three children born, their single mother Molested as a child And made a little wild - By her father and her…