slkrell's listening history

Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
DREAMING Inside the dream I'm drowning I struggle for the shore I'm swimming 'neath the surface I'm sinking ever more While Davy Jones is laughing And Neptune scoffs at me I'm swimming on with purpose I'm frantic to be free - The…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Merry Bear's avatar
HAPPILY EVER AFTER - by Terry Brown, Merry Bear, Greg Connor, and Stephen L. Krell - Lyrics by Brown (mostly), Bear, Connor - Chord progression by Brown - Rhythm and bass guitar by Bear - Melody and vocals by Connor - Electric and slide…
Nightmoth's avatar
Starry Nightmoth on Honky Tonk piano. Drums generated using a Yamaha E313 KB. Everything else (acoustic guitar, bass guitar, vocals) is the fault of Gene Eric Mann.
JR James's avatar
Came up with this chord progression on the bass one day and hit record for the hell of it. Came back to it and decided to throw a quick lil melody over it. I think this is going to close out the "Just a minute?" playlist so I can move on to music…