slkrell's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
4 tracks of Korg minilogue XD that I degrade as they play...
Nick P's avatar
Black is white White is black I crossed the line I can’t go back It all comes together It all falls apart I’m on the edge From the start I’ve gone Colour Blind To her signs, Colour Blind Tears on your face A broken heart Unkind…
oldfolks2's avatar
A great little collaboration with Greg Connor and Colleen Dillon. Merry Christmas to Everyone ...... And a silly little video :
MTBottles's avatar
Inspired by Steve Krell who wrote the first verse and chorus. Colleen Dillon wrote the second verse and Greg Connor, the third. Authentic Native American War Cry by Kimmie who has Cherokee heritage. V1- Steve On the banks of the Ojibwa…
slkrell's avatar
Gone north to the homestead for a while. " That old air liner bit that landing site like an orphan headed home"
oldfolks2's avatar
Had this bit of music, couldn't figure out what to do with it, so I just left it and gave it a silly title. Sometimes I just don't care ...... Ha Ha
slkrell's avatar
A tall tale maybe what do you think ?
slkrell's avatar
Well its such a fun thing to do so go out and turn up your radio . Ill be listening for you
slkrell's avatar
after a zoom meeting with friends, one of us was going cycle ing and this came to me . see if you can hear Colleen breathing heavy. haha
slkrell's avatar
Huge rain thunder and lightning storm swept thru, and right behind a bunch of frogs serenaded us ........ Bull frogs. ...are allright wish I had recorded their song it would fit in here