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Your Dancing Makes This Snowman Really Happy
So?ing Machine
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I picked this up after dropping it for a couple months. Almost scrap binned it. The original idea was to try doing anything with nice tidy EQing for once and heheheh.
Is the title making you smile? :D Is it? :D :D Just so we’re all on the same page here, it’s a reference to Undertale. See, early on in the game, you’ll probably come across a snowman. He asks you to take a piece of him far away, as he himself is rather locomotively challenged, and stuck down a side path in a forest. Kinda bittersweet, isn’t it? I’m that snowman. I’m asking you to dance for me, as my extreme disability prevents me from doing so. :D Maybe you’ll trip on a hard uneven surface and we can both be cripples! :D