The Solutionists's listening history

JESMIAUS 's avatar
just learning this one still for my pops on fathers day who I know at least would have me listen to bob seger when I was young.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
forgot to turn the vocals up more a few or possibly a slew of tracks I haven't uploaded here yet that just been sitting around Otis!
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Let's do this Brutus
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
a moment of silence so to say without the vocals and 2nd guitar track. So you get one guitar and drum sounds. Cheers.