The Solutionists

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The Solutionists's avatar
fun remix of the jam 001 from eb jam sessions. the jam was denoised and such in adobe audition & the remixing was play & created in garage band on an ipad.
The Solutionists's avatar
The Solutionists's avatar
Venus In Furs - Velvet Underground COVERed live by The Solutionists at The Woolly Mammoth on South Street, Philadelphia PA 11-28-2015
The Solutionists's avatar
performed and recorded at The Rusty Nail in Ardmore, PA on May 2nd, 2015. an The Solutionists original song co-written between William Ramsey & Eric Shurley. recorded w/Zoom q2hd & brought inside Audacity to tweak ; normalization…
The Solutionists's avatar
remix for the track "What' In The Solution" you can find us on several websites on the internet. cheers

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JESMIAUS 's avatar
Will I Ram style UPDATED DECEMBER 8th 2012
JESMIAUS 's avatar
12 string and vocals cover. Might be different but I like the vocals I did on this one more than my other covers. :)
JESMIAUS 's avatar
second track off "unsolved" rpm challenge as we go into the month of february. poor robby
JESMIAUS 's avatar
first track hot off my desperate lips to make music and fingers and other things
JESMIAUS 's avatar
another one, held on the back burner for a bit for my new album "Desensitized"

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The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
Family of the Paradox's avatar
The final part of the story - our protagonist has her at his side, burns the place to the ground - only now does he begin to contemplate that maybe this wasn't the best solution
kavin.'s avatar
An outtake from the Uthemandi project. I laid some guitar and fretless bass synth over Will's drum/synth track.
thetworegs's avatar
Thinking of the unfortunates this Christmas with a little help from Les .........all of it of the cuff...Hope you enjoy!!....Happy New Year..........
Gary Fox's avatar
Have some fun, dance a little, dance some more.

Latest Comments

The Solutionists's avatar
another installment in guitar & keys jam from Eric & Bill's new untitled project. this is one of our more spooky sounding jams. ENJOY.
JESMIAUS 's avatar

the piano keyboard (specifically speaking) is like the hockéy puck , n like the gear one would say , great one, you miss 100 percent of those shots you don't just need one ...who is the one, more like what is the one? n who the hell is jethro tull, newaya pro tool can do it, a calculator and a pen can do it too

The Solutionists's avatar
if you like, please come check us out on reverbnation just search "the solutionists" were from philly, pa this is a journey into feeling, movement & the recovery beyond with some nice electronic influenced production to the remix…
JESMIAUS 's avatar

aroeggiator's and seekers blasting out holes from your speakers to that sweet ear fuckery , pucker up buttercups its time the hot dog moved in , hardy har hr hergone daddy gone jokes don't end

The Solutionists's avatar
if you like, please come check us out on reverbnation just search "the solutionists" were from philly, pa this is a journey into feeling, movement & the recovery beyond with some nice electronic influenced production to the remix…
JESMIAUS 's avatar

less cowbell? the judge says less thremin n everythung will be allright bby

The Solutionists's avatar
"You Know (Fang Bling Remix)" Lyrics : you know the fiercer teach with piercing teeth the obeying do have a heart do have a part in the greater scheme of a division of an art in learning before it's needed before it's seeded you…
JESMIAUS 's avatar

teeth , without saying much , make ya skitzzz ..but uthemandi need n want them so much

The Solutionists's avatar
performed and recorded at The Rusty Nail in Ardmore, PA on May 2nd, 2015. an The Solutionists original song co-written between William Ramsey & Eric Shurley. recorded w/Zoom q2hd & brought inside Audacity to tweak ; normalization…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Cool moody feel.

The Solutionists's avatar

Bill Ramsey (Will I Ram) - Vocals Eric Shurley (Ketosis) - Guitar/Loops

from Philadelphia, United States

Who The Solutionists follows

IronAngel's avatar

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