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When I wake up
And my only friend ask me how I am
I know what I have to say
But I don’t want to be a burden

So I just lie
And tell him I’m fine
But actually I want to die
‘Cause I’ve been locked inside
My own mind

If this is life
I prefer to die

But on that day when the pain appeared to me
Once again I wanted to disappear
And my body shaking inside
My life flashed before my eyes
And that possible death entered my mind

I just thought about those who would miss me
But honestly I wanted to stop breathing
But the suffering I felt
At that time seems like I was going to hell

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Sorslin said

I wrote this lyrics about the day that I almost died from hypothermia. and how my suicidal desires and my "sins" all came to mind as I lay dying. and the possibility of my life ending at that moment was truly frightening.
