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Skin to Skin, Tears to Tears


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Let me hold you
Let me hug you
Let’s pretend that everything is new
And we’ll live happily very soon

Keep me close
That’s what I love the most
Talk to me
Until we fall asleep

Smelling your scent near my flesh
It’s what makes me mad
Not having you around
It’s what makes me sad
You make me obsessed
Without you I feel bad

Lie here with me
Skin to skin, tears to tears
Flesh to flesh, sweat to sweat

It would be great if this were real
Or if this desire were not real
You know what I feel
The love and pain still

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Sorslin said

The intention was to write a cliché love song about being with the love of your life by your side and being extremely happy and in love with him/her, but in reality this is just a wish and it makes you suffer because that someone doesn't feel the same way about you and you just want to forget that feeling and that person.
