Spazsquatch's listening history

Spazsquatch's avatar
A collab with FAWM user @ohljazz
Spazsquatch's avatar
Hardcore punk tribute to Neil Breen and specifically his character from Fateful Findings. A collab with FAWM user @nahlej381 who provided the guitars. [VERSE] He's the truth hacker Our champion. Shining light into the shadows so we see…
Spazsquatch's avatar
It's probably not a huge surprise that someone who chose a moniker evoking a hyperactive bigfoot would be a fan of b-movies, this is my punk rock love letter to them. VERSE I ought to go to bed Instead I’m watching z-grade creatures Menacing…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Song #2 for this year's RPM album....another one from the basement in the middle of the night. Experimenting with minimal lyrics and a lot of repetition. The song probably has something to do with how we left our home of many years last February…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Okay, RPM Song 3 finished. It's a weird song melodically speaking (yup, that's actually intentional lol). Oddly, it took an extremely long time to produce this one and my eyes are now very blurry. I guess this is an "urban" song (though I…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Here we go..Song 4 for my RPM challenge. This one was a blast to do because of its simplicity. It's a bit dark but with a hint of humour. I never thought I would need to return to nuclear allusions in a song - it isn't 1985...oh well. They…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Song #5 for RPM 2023 - half way to the completion of the album! Wrote this after a very long late night walk of meditation. And the rain came down It wouldn’t stop As we made our way to the mountain top And the rain came down, the rain…
Ricia Rae's avatar
6th song for my RPM album. If you like slow and depressing music...this is for you! I had a blast using my new crash cymbal and fingers are not very pleased about playing the bass riff however (ouch). somehow you knew me and…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Song 7 for my RPM challenge. Thanks to anyone who listens :) words of wisdom songs of pride try your best but you can’t live the other side keep it coming try not to know remember one day we will reap just what we sow do your…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Song 8# of my RPM Album. I love Persian scales and so I wanted to play with that a bit here. I managed to do my own finger snapping through the whole tune and didn't use a loop - I'm known for my rather loud snapping ability. In another…