Spice Rack Collective's listening history

Spice Rack Collective's avatar
This one has quite a convoluted path, too! The origin was toward the end of the first RPM recording session on Saturday, 2/4, when Matt said, "Hey, can we jam on G – D – Em – C and see what happens?" We arrayed ourselves around the studio…
Spice Rack Collective's avatar
Kenny kept this song in his back pocket for a couple of years after an especially sweet revelation/confession from a couple of friends. The origins were specific, but as with lots of good songs, the lyrics could describe any number of situations…
Spice Rack Collective's avatar
So, the RPM Challenge is to record an album of original music in the month of February, which had 28 days this year. Robbie texted me on the 27th of those 28 days to let me know he had another song almost finished – it just needed final vocals…
Spice Rack Collective's avatar
Sweet origin story for the lovely Anders family. Mike had most of the song written prior to February, and he and Margaret fine-tuned the words at the studio while we were setting up to record. Mike invited his bluegrass pickin’ buddies over…
Kevyspice's avatar
Used Hainbach's excellent Landfill Totems VST for these noisy ruminations. Also had some samples from an LP recorded by a local high school band nearly 40 years ago, but I re-rendered this version without those samples, just in case... Kevin…
Kevyspice's avatar
This one combines a tape loop I made, hardware synths (the volcas again), the RPM-40 drum machine, my guitar effects processor, and a few more samples I found online. Kevin Craig - Synths, tape loop, mixing.
Kevyspice's avatar
Was playing around in VCV Rack, trying to build a generative patch so the synth would make music on its own. (Can't remember if I used one of Omri Cohen's VCV patches as a starting point, or was just following along with one of his videos. Either…
Kevyspice's avatar
Pushing buttons is how I made almost all of this album. It's also how a lot of us make a living. It's also how various forms of media keep us engaged and enraged. Used volca Keys, volca Sampler, and Korg Monotron to make most of the noises…
Kevyspice's avatar
Our niece came to visit one night during February and helped me test out some new synths I'd picked up for RPM Challenge (volca Keys and Sampler 2). We added a nice drum track from the old Suzuki RPM-40 drum machine my dad gave me several years…
Kevyspice's avatar
Input the chord sequence from a Spice Rack Collective song I wrote on guitar, converted a bass take from that song into MIDI, added a couple of VSTs, programmed some drums, and added some royalty-free voice samples I found online somewhere. Pretty…