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Best Friend - Extended Version

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Leum dropped off these lyrics at the April REM Challenge recording session, to see what other folks would do with them. At the first May recording session, we scanned through the lyrics and decided to try to put them to music. Robbie had a couple of guitar parts on his voice memo app, and one of them perked Kevin’s ears right up. They seem to be a good match. :)

Robbie came up with the piano part on a whim while Kevin was out of the room for a quick bio-break before recording another drum take. So glad for that bit of studio serendipity! :)

Leum Monroe - Lyrics, backing vocals
Robbie Robinson - Songwriting, vocals, electric guitar, piano, recording
Kenny Tannehill - Acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Margaret Bibb - Backing vocals
Mike Anders - Backing vocals
Kevin Craig - Drums, bass, recording, mixing

Best Friend
by Leum Monroe

When you’re standing at the door, wipe your feet and come on in.
It’s the place you’ve been searching for – the home of your best friend.

Kick off your shoes and have a seat. Move around and see
It don’t cost a dime to be where you are free.

Ain’t no surprise, ain’t no pretend
when you find yourself being your very best friend.

All the doubts you’ve had about this place of yours
All that junk you pawned to open other doors
They’re all gone because you’ve found out why
They’ve drifted past you, like clouds high in the sky.

No surprise, ain’t no pretend
When you find yourself being your very best friend.

And when you go outside, remember what you’ve found
It won’t leave you stranded; it won’t let you down.
Take your time now and share it as you please
Keep your doors open, so that others can see.

Ain’t no surprise, ain’t no pretend
When you find yourself being your very best friend.

Ain’t no surprise, ain’t no pretend
When you find yourself being your own best friend.

Guest said

I like the shorter outro. It features fewer of my mistakes. We needed another day to get it right. But we ran out of May. We Need Another Day. I think you were right Kevin that that needs to be a song title. Maybe in June! I have another cord progression on the voice recorder in my phone. But I need some lyrics that should preferably include, “We Need Another Day“.
