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Spice Rack Collective

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At the first group recording session, I (Kevin) mentioned “Foggier By the Day” as a potential working title for this year’s RPM Challenge album, as that’s kind of how everything feels, and we’d all taken a few dramatic pictures over a couple of very foggy days over the last couple of months.

Kenny pointed out that music and the camaraderie that RPM encourages could maybe help us find a way out of the fog, maybe for the month, or at least for the few days we could get together, and we appreciated the reminder.

Shortly after that conversation, as Margaret was getting ready to leave for a fraught, emotionally complex meeting in a month too full of them, she popped her head back into the studio and said, “’I need a little sympathy, I need a little clarity to blow this fog away.’ Y’all write something around that!” We smiled and started doing just that.

Robbie Robinson – lyrics, songwriting, lead vocals, background vocals, guitars, bass, recording
Margaret Bibb – lyrics, background vocals
Kenny Tannehill – background vocals
Matt Appleberry – guitar
Kevin Craig – drums, recording, arrangement, lyrics, mixing


Feels like I’m in a cloud, my vision is blurred, it muffles the sound.
I want to get away, but I cannot go. I can’t find my way.

I’m feeling stuck in the fog. Can’t see the light of the day.
Can’t seem to find my way.

I swear I didn’t know, we could get so lost it would swallow us whole.
Remembering something I read.
Can’t seem to keep a clear thought in my head.

I’m trying to get out of the fog, into the light of the day.
To finally find my way.

I never thought I would be in this position.
Can’t imagine help is on the way.
I need a little empathy, I need a little clarity
To blow this fog away.

Sometimes you’re in control, sometimes you’re not, you never know.
Sometimes you take it slow, wait for the sun until you can go.

But I’m coming out of the fog into the light of the day,
Finally finding my way.
I’m coming out of the fog, yes, into the light of the day.
I finally found my way.

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