Spooky Garcia's listening history

Sudara's avatar
Rough and Slow acoustic version of the more poppy [lifeline glu and sudara collaboration](http://alonetone.com/doublemeanings/tracks/lifeline). If you like 4 minutes of the same 3 chords, you'll LOVE this song. Now that I have two microphones…
Spooky Garcia's avatar
The ninth of 9 demos I recorded in Jan. 2009 for the upcoming Spooky Garcia album that Rob and I are recording for RPM '09. I would have posted the eighth demo I recorded for the album but it sucks.
Spooky Garcia's avatar
The seventh of 9 demos I recorded in Jan. 2009 for the upcoming Spooky Garcia album that Rob and I are recording for RPM '09.
J dY Stamp's avatar
The live is being changed
dmc1's avatar
This was a favourite tune of Chief O'Neill (you don't say!) an Irish police captain in the USA who used to enlist Irish musicians into the police force so they could play music sessions together.
the Hole Punchers's avatar
We are still working on making some words for this song. We like to make up silly titles for songs before we have the lyrics, so the title is just kind of random. Liz does everything on this track, with the help of Garageband.
justmerritt's avatar
i'm not sure if i like this song. it has a ruff sort of flow and recording. i was thinking of adding some mellow synth backing to help it sound full but i don't want to start that now, so i wont.
justmerritt's avatar
cities get noisy, and usually its almost impossible to call an eastern european country and not get static or loose connection. written summer of 08.
justmerritt's avatar
this is a poem by Herman Hesse. its a pretty simple poem but it means a lot to me. its my first song in another language.
justmerritt's avatar
growing closer (despite farther)