subphonic's listening history

David Marcouillier's avatar
A song about whether or not to do something you're uncomfortable with... Moving Too Slow: Oooooooooh…am I moving too slow for you cause I don’t want to do this one thing that you want me to? Oooooooooh…if I want to get close to you I…
David Marcouillier's avatar
Grew out of my frustration at having to sing, play all the instruments, and engineer my own recording... Baby, Would You Be My Engineer?: Baby, would you be my engineer and keep my headphones sounding clear? I desperately need someone…
David Marcouillier's avatar
A song about the lost art of the mix-tape and knowing that someone is trouble but doing it anyway... Compilation Tapes: Did I mention that I think that you’re a real fine dancer and I like the way you dress? I’ve known a number of girls…
David Marcouillier's avatar
The title just popped into my head unannounced one day and I had to try to work from that. About a girl with a broken radio and the repairman who would do anything to find her a new one and win her love... It certainly appears broken, Minerva…
Anthony Sweet's avatar
learning....forever learning to look beyond the circumstance, look beyond the pain, and maybe find peace through the pain.... in my valleys in my darkest hours when the water has risen so high there's no support to be found I'm battered…
Anthony Sweet's avatar
this is just the basics...give it a listen and let me know what you think. It's all rather raw...lots more to be done. :)
Anthony Sweet's avatar's another one for the rpm. Just got thinking about religion, God, truth, love, unity. Been reading the "The life of Pi" - well anyway it got the gears turning. Again, enjoy and if you'd like to, tell me what you think. Much peace…
Anthony Sweet's avatar
This song was inspired by the Life of Pi...and yes, i feel like a drifter at times, floating, going no where. I've been drifting i've been drifting for days going no where being driven by the waves driven mad by the wind and her voices…
Spooky Garcia's avatar
The third of 9 demos I recorded in Jan. 2009 for the upcoming Spooky Garcia album that Rob and I are recording for RPM '09.
Spooky Garcia's avatar
The second of 9 demos I recorded in Jan. 2009 for the upcoming Spooky Garcia album that Rob and I are recording for RPM '09.