Sudara's listening history

Rick Phillips's avatar
Recorded in Hawaii, acoustic guitar and early morning trades through the trees. Keyboards and Bass track added by my brother Greg in Durango Colorado. Took Tess's (Sister Savages) advice and removed the percussion!
Sudara's avatar
A typical folk song. Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take. Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
sacreduproar888's avatar
A love song for you. The song is the musical rendition of a piece from my book, "PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings," which can be found here: Credits…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
I'm back!
Oh My Goodness's avatar
NOT FINISHED. another draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great! this draft is continuously replaced with newer versions. check back, please! (oh yeah…
Sudara's avatar
A typical folk song. Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take. Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
Sudara's avatar
A typical folk song. Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take. Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
Sudara's avatar
A typical folk song. Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take. Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
harvey's avatar
Pounded on a midi controller for hours. Made with headphones for headphones. I'm in a cinematic mood these days.
harvey's avatar
Pounded on a midi controller for hours. Made with headphones for headphones. I'm in a cinematic mood these days.