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Sail Away


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originally written and perfomed by David Gray

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Tom said

I must have been replying to your comment about “Cinnamon Girl” at the same time you were commenting on this song. I can’t remember which audio recorder I used for this particular song. Most of the time I just have a cheap 20 dollar USB mic plugged straight into my desktop because I can manipulate the mix between voice and guitar easier by moving the mic closer or farther from my guitar (very lo-fi, I know!) However, I tend to record my electric guitar stuff on a Tascam DR-05, mostly because all my gear is in the living room and I’m too lazy to move it to the bedroom, where my computer is…. I will edit whatever recording I use with Audacity. Do you have any particular recording preferences, Ken, or is it completely dependent on song?

Guest said

Good one Tom, love the vox, nice playing. What recorder are you recording with?

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Very nice.

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