terrysongs's listening history

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Goes on the Dance of the Dying Fire album, I shortened it because I used the reggae bit that was at the end in another song. It's a bit of fun!!
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album
terrysongs's avatar
For the SPILL'T BEER album
terrysongs's avatar
Nothing ends it just evolves into the next life experience.
terrysongs's avatar
The struggle continues for the decent working folks to survive in a world run by "greed graft and corruption." which by a strange coincidence is the law firm that represents most of the enemy's.
terrysongs's avatar
The struggle continues for the decent working folks to survive in a world run by "greed graft and corruption." which by a strange coincidence is the law firm that represents most of the enemy's.
terrysongs's avatar
The struggle continues for the decent working folks to survive in a world run by "greed graft and corruption." which by a strange coincidence is the law firm that represents most of the enemy's.
terrysongs's avatar
Nothing ends it just evolves into the next life experience.
terrysongs's avatar
The earth has been a kindly home,Some of the people on the other hand.....
terrysongs's avatar
The struggle continues for the decent working folks to survive in a world run by "greed graft and corruption." which by a strange coincidence is the law firm that represents most of the enemy's.