terrysongs's listening history

terrysongs's avatar
AT THE RISK OF BEING ALL WET> Out on the perilous deep Where danger silently creeps And storm so violently sweep You're drifting too far from the shore. Chorus Drifting too far from the shore You're drifting too…
terrysongs's avatar
Life keeps trans-versing time, the things lost,the things to be found, and the moment we live in , Don't set out the dance, or decide not to go. Where ever you are be there.
terrysongs's avatar
The tale of love from the misty ages of time.
terrysongs's avatar
A country shuffle ,more like a mosey even a meander ,
terrysongs's avatar
The new album titled SPILL'T BEER
terrysongs's avatar
the first one now will later be last,what was old is new again , hang onto your wine skins. Times are getting hard boys, money's mighty scarce if things don't get no better boys gonna leave this place. I took my true love by the…
terrysongs's avatar
A sweet little song by a grandma lady from out west "Melvina Reynolds" bless her heart and excuse the language, Smile don't mind failing in this world, I don't mind failing in this world, Don't mind wearing the ragged…
terrysongs's avatar
Song about a hundred years old. and for to many life still sucks.
terrysongs's avatar
For Mothers, wives, lovers, and every woman who ever be-mated a man.
terrysongs's avatar
leave us not forget, that we are men after all.