83 tracks by The Jason Hannah Project

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The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
This is the first Irish song I started working on. When I was trying to learn to play the penny whistle I needed a song to practice with, and this is what I ended up going with. I was playing it so often that I figured I might as well record…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
This is an original jig that I wrote the week I got my 4 string banjo. Someday I may go back and put words to this, but for now it sounds good as an instrumental.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
This is a song that my dad wrote. (His name is Dave Hannah, and you can search for him here on alonetone to hear some other music he has written). He didn't write it as an Irish song, but I've recorded it a couple different times with him, and…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
This is one of the instrumental pieces from the movie Titanic... well, kinda. A long time ago I tried to learn how to play it from memory, and what I figured out was CLOSE to the original, but I accidentally left a small section of the song out…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
I actually just stumbled across this song on Youtube about a week ago. I needed something lively to add to this album, and this song caught my attention. Just a fun little song.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
I'll tell you the truth... This song is "What Child Is This" to my ears. It always will be. That is one of my favorite Christmas songs, and since I know it shares the melody with this old traditional song, I thought it would be fun to do…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
I heard this song on a CD of old Irish traditional songs, and even though it's a really simple song, and even though it's kind of a sad song, I liked it right away so I decided it needed to be one on my collection.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
This was the very first original piece of Irish-inspired music that I ever wrote. It's simple, but very happy and catchy.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
A very well known traditional Irish song. When I was looking into learning it, I found out that there are several versions of the lyrics, which is interesting. In some versions the singer shoots the Captain and goes to jail for it. In other…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
This is a song I recorded for my wedding. The piano part was a simple progression that I learned from a "learn to play piano" type book. I liked the way it sounded, so I added some string sounds to fill it out.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
I am always interested in mixing genres and musical cultures. I have been for years. This was a spur-of-the-moment song written in my studio during a bored Saturday afternoon. I played piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass, native american…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
A simple jam with me playing guitar, bass, and drums. It was inspired by George Thorogood.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Nothing fancy here. When I went to Maui in 2005 I was pretty inspired by the music, and decided to get a ukulele upon returning home. When I get a new instrument, I try to write a simple song with it almost right away in order to speed up the…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
The chords to the verse of this song were actually taken from Ozzy Osbourn's "Crazy Train", but played much much differently. The chorus was something original.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Every single sound you hear on this song was done with an app on my HTC Evo android phone. I recorded the sounds into my recording software to line them up, mix them, and give them some general effects to make them sound better... but the creation…
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Named for my beautiful wife (whose middle name is Brooke), this was a simple piece I did with my brand new, hand carved, Native American flute
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
Despite the fact that some of my music friends call me "Jazz", I know very very little about jazz music. This is me fooling around with a blues progression done with jazzy chords.
The Jason Hannah Project's avatar
I write a Vikings parody song for every game of the Minnesota Vikings season for my blog, which is found at http://www.thevikingship.net This is a parody of Killing In The Name Of by Rage Against The Machine