The Moveable Yonder's listening history

mmi's avatar
A long meditation/wank. This weeks guitar lesson we started looking at melodic minor modes. I went home and started practicing scales. Wasn't long before I got stuck on Dorian flat 2. So I fired up the looper and recorded a session. Funny…
mmi's avatar
A long meditation/wank. This weeks guitar lesson we started looking at melodic minor modes. I went home and started practicing scales. Wasn't long before I got stuck on Dorian flat 2. So I fired up the looper and recorded a session. Funny…
mmi's avatar
A long meditation/wank. This weeks guitar lesson we started looking at melodic minor modes. I went home and started practicing scales. Wasn't long before I got stuck on Dorian flat 2. So I fired up the looper and recorded a session. Funny…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is just a test. If this had been an actual song then the signal you just heard would have been followed by news, information, and directions from state and federal authorities. Actually, this is a new scale I just learned today. Roumanian…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
My Pirate song. Sounds more like a polka band, but what the hell. I had fun doing it. a song for Gumbo. we sailed the angry seas til we found a neutral port we rowed the ship to shore to go and find a fancy whore down at the Buccaneer inn…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Part of my remix all tracks with Audacity project. Written after buying my first synth. The lead guitar here is a Peavey 5150 amp simulator and I played a bit vocally with old tape echo. Lyrics: Sunrise, I'm talkin' to you all…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I spent the day skrewing around with this Roumanian Minor scale again. I am really testing layered drums on this one, Toms mostly. There's a lot happening. Acoustic, Strat, Bass, 4 Juno tracks, and all kinds of percussion. Only a two chord change…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I spent the day skrewing around with this Roumanian Minor scale again. I am really testing layered drums on this one, Toms mostly. There's a lot happening. Acoustic, Strat, Bass, 4 Juno tracks, and all kinds of percussion. Only a two chord change…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I spent the day skrewing around with this Roumanian Minor scale again. I am really testing layered drums on this one, Toms mostly. There's a lot happening. Acoustic, Strat, Bass, 4 Juno tracks, and all kinds of percussion. Only a two chord change…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
improvising on a theme