Benoit The First

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Benoit The First's avatar
As i stood in a crowd of people that i used to talk to found a pedastle grabbed a mic and stood tall so that i could be seen i raised my voice high in my happiest fools excited welcome greeting and recieved the same in reply like "yo BTF where…

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Benoit The First's avatar
As i stood in a crowd of people that i used to talk to found a pedastle grabbed a mic and stood tall so that i could be seen i raised my voice high in my happiest fools excited welcome greeting and recieved the same in reply like "yo BTF where…

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Benoit The First's avatar
As i stood in a crowd of people that i used to talk to found a pedastle grabbed a mic and stood tall so that i could be seen i raised my voice high in my happiest fools excited welcome greeting and recieved the same in reply like "yo BTF where…

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Benoit The First's avatar
As i stood in a crowd of people that i used to talk to found a pedastle grabbed a mic and stood tall so that i could be seen i raised my voice high in my happiest fools excited welcome greeting and recieved the same in reply like "yo BTF where…
Benoit The First's avatar
Benoit The First said

Keep on

Benoit The First's avatar

All I just like is sing and rapping to be happy and to my fan smile

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