thetworegs's listening history

kavin.'s avatar
remix of Coelocanth's ThickernThieves with slide guitar
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Len Sasso's avatar
Uploaded 8.31.2020
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Radio Roswell's avatar
It's Lonely on the Moon ©2020 words and music Jeff Cole A nostalgic memory of youth in the 70's suburban bliss. Swimming in our giant pool made of aluminum. to be that cool to know again You'll never see a bluer sky or smell a greener…
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Andrew Russe's avatar
This is an oldie. Recorded in 2005. It was the first recording I finished on a DAW, but I'd played it a lot in the last band I was in (around the turn of the century). I think it was written in the mid 90s. It's about one of the casualties of…
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thetworegs's avatar
Still trying to get the hang of playing Bass ...i can't seem to put it down now.....anyway this is tonights effort.... JUST LET IT FLOW one day i’m up another i’m down most days i’m just floating around my head don’t know what my body wants…
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thetworegs's avatar
Live in the cellar this morning just me and Rapunzel...... PLEASE DON'T GO close the door now put out the light i got a feeling deep inside everything alright i just want to hold you keep you close to my heart i don’t want to ever feel…
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thetworegs's avatar
Reg was pondering the deeper questions in life tonight and came up with this little ditty............... CAN YOU HELP ME sometimes i get so agitated inside feels like a ball of fire is burning inside feels like it’s burning the very essence…
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thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Jesmiaus earlier Trick of your love (RPM2012) and it gave me an idea for my first RPM this thanks Will...... hope you all enjoy this....i did doing it...they say smoking weed can make you schitzophrenic but i’m not…
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thetworegs's avatar
Too much fast living and this is where you end instrumental for a fest on the otherside
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thetworegs's avatar
Too much fast living and this is where you end instrumental for a fest on the otherside
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