thetworegs's listening history

launched's avatar
I couldn't talk for a while afterwards and I felt like a moron after listening to my vocals, but it had to be done :) So no laffin'! Our attempt to be on the roof of Abbey Road Studios if only for a moment! The Lineup: Guitars: gtalfsen Piano…
The springsteens's avatar
i dont use the word horny very much. maybe never. maybe never again (im not sure). anyways this song is less music and more getting shit off my chest, its how much i love you,how much you kill me,and how much i want to fuck you.
The springsteens's avatar
not snoop dog, the other kind
Les's avatar
A nice airy piece I wrote a while ago :)
Les's avatar
There's a lot going on here, in the middle section I used what's known as a Shepard Risset Tone. This is a sound that appears to constantly rise in pitch. If you were to loop the sound, it would never stop rising! I don't understand the match…
Les's avatar
Another up beat song, nice and jolly, just wave guys!
Les's avatar
Here's an instrumental track I put together a while ago, bit of a rough around the edges demo, but you get the idea!
Les's avatar
Here's a very early version of a new song, not sure where to take it but it's a start!
Breaking Light's avatar
an improv with the ol pedal steel, with loads of fx. Spent a lot of time trying to get the noise off this track, but had limited success.
thetworegs's avatar
She turned to him, looked him straight in the eye and said "I don't love you no more"..........