thetworegs's listening history

Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
A very old song getting a new treatment. One from the deep archives of Tangmo, the Teenaged Song-Writer.
vaisvil's avatar
guitar and effects.
vaisvil's avatar
Nylon guitar through effects. Yes, I ruin most everything.
vaisvil's avatar
I have a shoe box tape recorder. I drilled a hole in the cover to access the tape speed control. I recorded using the shoe box mic and then played it back a few times with speed manipulations and guitar effects.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
daisy was my dog whom passed in 2017 I titled this instrumental after her
igor's avatar
Petals almost went away, sometimes with naïve mess down around, reminiscent of monotone patterns (repetitive? slowly evolving into something or just stylishly dying away? who knows). Will it be summer, ahead? ~ Raw live recording. Subject to…
Greg Connor's avatar
I recently retired and for the past 4 months I've been telling people "All that's left are the stories". There will be no more of the glamor and prestige. When I saw the May songwriting challenge offered by Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
whew just reading that title
igor's avatar
Hope for, and then despair from the misunderstanding of You by other people gives way to the realization of the fact that you are always alone. And all living creatures around you, too. The real miracle is not the tricks of preachers, but the…
vaisvil's avatar
liberties were taken.... ill advised ones at that.