thetworegs's listening history

Jukka-Pekka Kervinen's avatar
Ambient minimal Sega Genesis.
coelocanth's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
An experiment in using [Photosounder]( which is a spectral editing tool. This track started as a sharp tin can hit which I turned into a droning gong. But I had no idea where to go next. So I started rifling through…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Okay this is one for the serious noise freaks only. This is three instances of Loop Shifter that I played in real time using my Novation Launchpad. Turns out the launchpad makes a great keyboard for loop shifter, better than a real keyboard…
Alister Flint's avatar
a collaboration of Alister Flint - Carlo Serafini - Chris Vaisvil so, Chris did this. Carlo did that. and i added some. for the technical stuff, see below. :) This piece uses multiple tunings simultaneously and is the inaugural…
Alister Flint's avatar
something i wrote for my worst half. who happens to be my better one..
Alister Flint's avatar
a simple tune for the upcoming summer..
Alister Flint's avatar
did a remix of latest B-52s (ex B-52's) song "Funplex". i admit i didn't really take the time to polish this, so it might have some flaws here and there, but it was fun to do and after all, is this not what matters most? :) and you can…
launched's avatar
My only musical Christmas present. Tharek(Osckilo) sent me a wonderful Spanish/Arab sounding guitar track. All I had to do was sing. Sometimes that is the biggest treat of all, and I took full advantage of it. Thanks, bro!! All done on the…
Alister Flint's avatar
some lecture about it..