thetworegs's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
Uncle's avatar
It's actually a redo of one of my earlier songs. I changed the lyrics a bit, the title and rerecorded the whole thing. The original is called, "I've Changed." I've got a really painful head cold right now. I thought between bouts of pain I would…
Uncle's avatar
If you're a Lou Reed fan, you may like this. As I developed the melody, I just cracked up about how my sound came out! I decided not to fight it... It's still very rough. I'll return to this one, when I get some time. But most will understand…
dougsparling's avatar
Another loop - not recorded that well and don't have the time to do much with it, but here it is none the less. The title more or less is a reflection on my life at the moment. Using the same junk I always do...
Wildgeas Music's avatar
By no means the first song that popped out. It's just the first one I'm calling done beyond a remix. I think this will wind up leading in to a metal tune and will likely be shorter.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Filler track just in case. This too, will be shorter in the final mix. If it makes it at all. All Synth.