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Lets not Dilly Dally


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Reg has found himself in the middle of the housing crisis trying to find the non-existent help out there……..

                                               Lets not Dilly Dally

Hello can you answer the door please
Hello my name is Tom Jefferies and I am a High court baliff, I have here a warrent evicting you from this property forth with.
You have 1 hour to get your essential belongings together, then we can arrange with the landlord for you to come and collect the rest of your belongings later. The telephone number is at the bottom of the warrent

How? The fuck am I mean’t to do this I have my wife four children a cat, a dog a fucking rabbit , how can you expect me to leave this, leave everything within an hour. The kids are at school the wifes at work. Your just going to throw us out on the fucking street.

Yes my advice is to get in touch with the emergency housing with the council

There the ones who found us this fucking shithole in the first place

That is not my problem I am only here to serve the warrent. So if you could please get your belongings together, we don’t want to dilly dally do we?
This is a nightmare
citizens advice
Is there anybody there?
Who can help me?
Nobody nobody
Is there anybody there?
Who can help me?
Nobody nobody nobody
Is there anybody there?
Nobody nobody
Is there anybody there?
Nobody nobody
Is there anybody there?
Who can help me?
This is a crisis

Theres no body in the office, so you’ll have to call back
Call back tomorrow

What am I gonna do, today
What am I gonna do, today

Is their anybody gonna help me
Nobody nobody
Or am I out here on my own
Your on your own
Who’s gonna help me
With my family
am I out here on my own
Your on your own
On my own
Your on your own
On my own
All alone

That is not my problem
I’m only here to serve the warrent
Not my problem
That is not my problem
I’m only here to serve the warrent
That is not my problem That is not my problem That is not my problem
Not my problem
We don’t want to illy dally do we
Who’s problem is it then?
Lets not dilly dally lets end this thing

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