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Sometimes Reg just wants to run off to yesterday where every thing was better. Or was it really ?


When things are too much and your heads all in a mess
When all the bills come through door and its such a stress
When everything seems to be falling in tthe hole

You Run away to yesterday
That place in your dreams where its safe to stay
You Run along to yesterday
Where its safe to stay

In your dreams everythings ok
You remember back to the good old days
When all the people round you loved and helped you so
Now no one, wants to know

So Run away to yesterday
That place in your dreams where its safe to stay
Run along to yesterday

Whenever you fall down and need a little help to stand up
You look around but where is the back up
Everyones has their own troubles, in their life
Their too busy to help you out with your strife

So Run away to yesterday
That place in your dreams where it feels safe to stay
Runalong to yesterday

When you get a little crazy and neeed talking down
Its up to you to get your feet back on the ground
Once upon a time you would have a helping hand
But now your on you own your the leader of the band

So Run away to yesterday
That place in your dreams where it feels safe to stay
Runalong to yesterday
where it feels safe to stay

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