1407 tracks by thetworegs

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been reading a lot lately he's currently reading an interesting book called "Storming Heaven LSD and the American Dream by Jay Stevens" and so he decided to revisit A Toast to the Stone-age he did with Norm during Johnny's death and before…
thetworegs's avatar
He's been gone a while but the other Reg is back from the otherside with a message .................
thetworegs's avatar
i think the title says it all.....the easy ones from the Beatles music book........More Regged up beatles but no Elvis he has gone off in a sulk he never did like them and he thinks were doing too much of them.......
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has found himself in some difficult times in the past and has needed his time in the Asylum just to let time catch up with his mind.........this track is about such a time...when his affair with lovemebaby turned sour.....
thetworegs's avatar
Well we got a rocker this afternoon with Elvis and the £16 guitar down in the cellar while the wife took the kids out to a friends.....hope you like it............i do..... LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL (Lyrics) It’s an easy ride, yeah that i…
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has been singing this one with Elvis and he has turned the classic Beatles song into a lullaby......hope you enjoy......... if you stay awake that is.................
thetworegs's avatar
I had a blast doing this one with Geas, hope you like it as much as we did doing it............... SHAKEDOWN (Lyrics) Is this a breakdown No it’s Nothing but a shakedown Can’t we let this go ooh I don’t know Is this a tell and…
thetworegs's avatar
I did this one to Norms track Proof....... it's about a disturbing dream...... i hasten to add it was Reg's dream not mine. So blame him................
thetworegs's avatar
Something the Gritter wrote about the Beatle cover i did rang a bell that turned into an alarm and now it's a song Thanks Sandy The best Cowboys do have Chinese eyes that ain"t no lie.....oh and thank you Pete too.......for actually coming up with it
thetworegs's avatar
Guess who came down the cellar last night Reg and Elvis got up and did this one for him...........
thetworegs's avatar
I heard Fort Bigwater by Wildgeas Music this afternoon and it struck a chord and some lyrics came to mind...so here they are...Thanks Wildgeas for letting play.........
thetworegs's avatar
Reg is feeling a bit uneasy about his new love......is she getting too close too quickly......only time will tell....should he stay and feel the love?............
thetworegs's avatar
A song for a wet day in Sheffield Thanks Johnny.......another one for the Zep album.........I will have to sort out that first verse..........but i hope you enjoy..........
thetworegs's avatar
Another with Johnny this one with a whole lotta love thanks Johnny
thetworegs's avatar
Thanks again Johnny for letting me have a go on this classic from my school days ...it's been Regged a little hope you enjoy...........
thetworegs's avatar
A Heartbeaker that's been Reggiefied hope you enjoy thanks Johnny
thetworegs's avatar
Another from Reg and Elvis and the £16 guitar hope you enjoy......................
thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty .....now he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
thetworegs's avatar
I had a couple of hours to day to play around while the wife took the children into town for their new school shoes which signified the end of summer to me . So of course i went down the cellar and got Reg,Bob and the gang to help me write a song…
thetworegs's avatar
Well it's a rainy day and Reg is feeling lonely..........