The Monogon's listening history

Alister Flint's avatar
(probably final version..)
Sudara's avatar
This is the first cover song I've ever really recorded in my 15 years of playing and recording. The guitar and voice are each full continuous takes, I didn't want to do comping (copy and pasting), though the vocal harmony parts were done in…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Cant sleep.... Thought I'd write a Tune.... Had to be fairly Quiet on this, so as not to wake the Baby... Hope you Like it. Lyrics “It All” By Tharek Mokbul 2010 I can’t find the, Place where I kept, My Love…
dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded April 10/11, 2010 Inspired a bit by a painting I saw today: Details: Epiphone Les Paul (EBEGAD/BBEGAD, Capo II), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, Audacity.
dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded April 10/11, 2010 Inspired a bit by a painting I saw today: Details: Epiphone Les Paul (EBEGAD/BBEGAD, Capo II), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, Audacity.
dougsparling's avatar
Keyboards: Doug Sparling Composer: Doug Sparling Written/Recorded: 2006 Old music library track. I recorded this with a cheap Yamaha keyboard my step-father gave me. Wish I would have add little more to the repeat of the melody, but I think I…
dougsparling's avatar
Guitars, mandolin, penny whistle: Doug Sparling Composer: Doug Sparling Recorded: 2006 From an out of print, self-released CD I put out in 2006 (titled "The Old Stone Bridge" - not the same one as the Old Stone Bridge tracks I've released…
dougsparling's avatar
Guitar: Doug Sparling Composer: Doug Sparling Written/Recorded: 2006 A "B" side from the "Stray Onto The Path" CD that I never released, in fact, I'd forgotten I'd even recorded it until today when I stumbled across the track. It's one I didn…
dougsparling's avatar
Guitar: Doug Sparling Composer: Doug Sparling Written/Recorded: 2006 A "B" side from the "Stray Onto The Path" CD that I never released, in fact, I'd forgotten I'd even recorded it until today when I stumbled across the track. It's one I didn…
The Monogon's avatar
So Radiohead and Tortoise walked into a bar...