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This song is about me having weird OCD-esque things. Most of the instruments were played by me, with the exception of the drums which were played by Isaac, some vocaling by Olivia, yelling and other stuff by Jacob, Erik, Nikki, Erika, Nihco, and occasionally Toby.
Asymmetry, my worst enemy… You win, you have conquered me. I swore that I would not give in, but you have gotten the best of me. So once again, I will say that you win OCD. I can’t even help myself from realigning some books on a shelf. It’s somewhat hard to explain, but it’s a physical pain that can only be fixed when I readjust some crooked display, and I assure you I don’t mean to cause a fuss. I know it may sound absurd, but I give you my word that this is real…

The Red Cow Society's avatar
The Red Cow Society said

I love the long intro with the dialogue, and the natural drum kit along with the electronic feel of the rest of the instruments. The chaotic ending is amazing. Good work!

kerikino's avatar
kerikino said

atmospheric.... but in a grandaddy type of way. versus the normal "atmospheric" which usually just means, "this track kind of sucks"
