tilden's listening history

tilden's avatar
I've put out a call for lyrics for me to add music / turn into a song. My college buddy Myron responded and this is the demo I recorded using my phone. I'm working on a full production (backing tracks recorded, still need to record guitar solo…
tilden's avatar
I’ve put out a call for lyrics for me to add music / turn into a song. My college buddy Myron Porter responded and here's the result. If you're interested, the original demo I recorded using my phone is at https://alonetone.com/tilden/tracks…
tilden's avatar
I've put out a call for lyrics for me to add music / turn into a song. My college buddy Myron responded and this is the demo I recorded using my phone. I'm working on a full production (backing tracks recorded, still need to record guitar solo…
anna31's avatar
An original song I made up. I used quite a few layers of guitar work, I'm sure you can hear my acoustic 12 string which I love to bits.... Une de mes compos perso. J'ai utilisé plusieurs guitares, je suis sûr que vous pouvez entendre ma guitare…
tilden's avatar
Another Sunday afternoon project . . . this has been sitting around unfinished for a while and so has my Alonetone account, so I recorded & uploaded this original song. All sounds by me. 1st Verse: I'm just passing through, doing what…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
well this will be kind of random for my listeners... but what the "hey" as they say! In a bit of a writing desert lately, but had a lovely walk two days ago, and got inspired by the sounds coming from newly frozen ice with at least 1000 migrating…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well... I have a feeling that many of us may wish for a 2020 do-over. So here's a simple song to make that wish for us all! Oh Mulligan I wake up every morning My jaw is clenched so tight Even in my dreams it’s a battle Who’s wrong and…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
Greg Connor's avatar
Strange Times is an international collaboration between Roger Harris & myself. Roger initiated the idea with the first verse and chorus along with a chord progression. I added the last verse and took some liberty in producing this version…
Greg Connor's avatar