tonestones's listening history

eduardo's avatar
Pertenece al album Fiesta en mi pago de Eduardo Durval
eduardo's avatar
Pertenece al album Fiesta en mi pago de Eduardo Durval
eduardo's avatar
Pertenece al album Fiesta en mi pago de Eduardo Durval
tonestones's avatar
Odd song, odd time signatures. It was originally written for my AP english high school class as an instrumental "creative response" to Dante's Inferno. You gotta love the Catholic school system. Later a buddy of mine (Chris Lee) put lyrics to…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is one of my first alonetone collaborations written by Louis Smit. Everyone should go listen to some of his tunes. Louis is a very original and talented folk style acoustic guitarist- singer - songwriter. You can hear him here. http://alonetone…
Norm's avatar
CROSS-OVER POLYRHYTHMS This is actually a type of enharmonic polymeter, where 2 rhythms with **different meters** (i.e., a different numbers of beats/measure) are played at the **same tempo**: the measures do not line up each time. These rhythms…
tonestones's avatar
Odd song, odd time signatures. It was originally written for my AP english high school class as an instrumental "creative response" to Dante's Inferno. You gotta love the Catholic school system. Later a buddy of mine (Chris Lee) put lyrics to…
tonestones's avatar
Odd song, odd time signatures. It was originally written for my AP english high school class as an instrumental "creative response" to Dante's Inferno. You gotta love the Catholic school system. Later a buddy of mine (Chris Lee) put lyrics to…
tonestones's avatar
Odd song, odd time signatures. It was originally written for my AP english high school class as an instrumental "creative response" to Dante's Inferno. You gotta love the Catholic school system. Later a buddy of mine (Chris Lee) put lyrics to…