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This is a silly song I wrote 35 years ago for a crush. For some reason today felt like the day to record it.

The way that mountains shape the horizon
The way that lightning lights the sky
The way that ice cream makes you shiver
The way that leaving makes you cry
The way that music gets you singing
The way that silver catches your eye
The way that closeness starts you dreaming
The way my aching makes you try
To understand
To understand
To understand
To understand

Even if I could explain the little things that remind me of you
I would no better man
And if I could understand what attracts me to you
Still I would no better then

It’s just me
It’s just you
Just a natural affection
And while sometimes I hate myself for falling in love with you
That’s just the way my silly little heart beats
And the way you make me smile
And I hope you stay a while
Because I love you
Yes I love you
God I love you
How I love you
I do

tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

nice song love the vocals......cheers tony cee
