Torben Asp

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We Need More Cowbell!!!
Torben Asp's avatar
"Senses" is all about Spring where all our senses are sharpened and we look at all the beautyful things that rises before our eyes. Watch the video from Second Life too...very well made by Soundr Productions;o)
Torben Asp's avatar
Also known as "Sequence 6 & 7" in the "Watercolors" project which was my entry to the RPM Challenge 2010. It is all about that overwhelmingly happy feeling that makes you weak in your knees and you just feel like sitting down and enjoy the…

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Torben Asp's avatar
"Senses" is all about Spring where all our senses are sharpened and we look at all the beautyful things that rises before our eyes. Watch the video from Second Life too...very well made by Soundr Productions;o)
Torben Asp's avatar
Also known as "Sequence 6 & 7" in the "Watercolors" project which was my entry to the RPM Challenge 2010. It is all about that overwhelmingly happy feeling that makes you weak in your knees and you just feel like sitting down and enjoy the…

Latest Comments

Torben Asp's avatar
We Need More Cowbell!!!
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Love this - have a copy already. :)

Torben Asp's avatar
We Need More Cowbell!!!
Guest said

I loved the intro and then it just got better. My sorta thing

Torben Asp's avatar
We Need More Cowbell!!!
Guest said

cool! i like this!

Torben Asp's avatar
Also known as "Sequence 6 & 7" in the "Watercolors" project which was my entry to the RPM Challenge 2010. It is all about that overwhelmingly happy feeling that makes you weak in your knees and you just feel like sitting down and enjoy the…
Guest said

enjoying this very much so. mucho much so. :)

Torben Asp's avatar
We Need More Cowbell!!!
Guest said

nice mixing :)

Torben Asp's avatar

Torben Asp composes and performs electronic music of an ambient/new age style with input from other styles like classic music and artists like Jean Michel Jarre…To that you add a original and synthesizer magic and you are well underway into the recreative universe of Torben Asp.

Every tune has its own story to take you on a mood-altering journey.

In SecondLife Torben employs fantastic particleshows to accompany his compositions and add a visual element to his creative palette.

This is not only a Concert! - its an Experience!

Equipment: Behringer Keyboard UMX 61, Propellerhead Reason , Propellerhead Record and lots of Patience.

Formed in 1998 which sometimes shows in the sound….

from Kolding, Denmark

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3 tracks