tralk's listening history

tralk's avatar
Sudara's avatar
added a bass. added the chorus, which i'll probably redo. added a bit of an ending. oh, and a smattering of pianer.
Sudara's avatar
The last track I wrote in Santa Fe, New Mexico before moving back to Hawaii.
Sudara's avatar
The first track I wrote upon moving to Santa Fe, NM, before we got the studio set up.
Sudara's avatar
Sudara does Pop. The vocals/piano are rough as heck, but better early than never. Amazing Drum love from Glu. Backup vox from Marlena Koppendorfer.
Sudara's avatar
After an adventure in re-recording the entire song down a third, we came back to the original, tightened and tuned. Always the self flagellating perfectionist, it still needs a bit more love. Always the pragmatist, it is probably done for now.
glu's avatar
I recorded this ocelot while it was in a trap. There are several traps set up here at the research station to catch mammals so that they can be radio-collared for research. I am currently working on a tune made entirely with this sample- stay tuned!
glu's avatar
This tune was made with a single sample of some oropendolas feeding on capotroche.
Sudara's avatar
After an adventure in re-recording the entire song down a third, we came back to the original, tightened and tuned. Always the self flagellating perfectionist, it still needs a bit more love. Always the pragmatist, it is probably done for now.
glu's avatar