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The Bounce


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Another track from the same Gakken/SMM/RFX system as the previous one. Also submitted to Sound-In, but this time “Conducting Ourselves” 23/2 - 2/3/2023.

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

wow. this is like those electric insects settings on my supernova II ,.. I don't remember the setting was in either the E set of 128 presets or the F set of presets It will take time to go back there and find that . I know I have played with that setting too and altered it lots I hope I did not loose the original setting by saving the new settings with the changes.. mmmm I guess I can go into my preset library on the desktop and find it --- probably easier then searching the synthesizer for the electric insect settings.. they did not call the setting electric insects but something similar.. thanks for making this --- really great loving this.

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