469 tracks by trawnajim

trawnajim's avatar
There certainly are several, and they are sometimes sinuous, though to be honest, they aren't really sonifications - which is making sounds from data that has nothing to do with music usually - but it makes for a nice title. Created using a Gakken…
trawnajim's avatar
As part of the theme for this week's Sound-In, here are the original files for Doodlebug; one on the left, the other on the right.
trawnajim's avatar
Sounds from a couple of different metal objects (part of an old CD stand, and a grille-type shelf) modified through Audacity apps. Submitted to Sound-In "Before & After Sound Effects" for 23-30/6/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
More Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man. Entirely by chance knob-twiddling, this lovely sound emerged that often resembles bells, and so I titled it aftera method of playing popular in English churches - though it probably doesn't resemble…
trawnajim's avatar
Another Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man. Some similarities to "Polly...", but mostly different. Submitted to Sound-In "Changes" for 16-23/6/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Roland SE-02 with sequencer running, LFO modulated, and slow delay, then run through EHX Stereo Memory Man also w/ slow delay. Submitted to Sound-In "Polyrhythms, etc" for 9-16/6/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Two different recordings combined. One is of birds recorded at the boardwalk in Point Pelee National Park, the southernmost tip of mainland Canada. This recording has been doubled to give extra length. Over top of that is me making chirping sounds…
trawnajim's avatar
A longer drumming piece, where the length difference between the pattern and the loop is much closer together. Submitted to Sound-In "Subtle Details" for 12-19/5/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
The kind of things you get by taking a loop of a repeating pattern on an EHX Stereo Memory Man that is slightly shorter/longer than that pattern. Sound is from finger-drumming on a small sweet tin. Submitted to Sound-In "Subtle Details" for 12…
trawnajim's avatar
All words that can be prefixed with Counter. Two slightly different stereo vocal loops. Submitted to Sound-In "Counterpoint" for 5-12/5/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Field recording modified by using the entire recording as a template for noise reduction. The remaining sound was surprisingly melodic, and includes birdsong (mourning dove and sparrows most prominent), passing light aircraft, emergency siren…
trawnajim's avatar
A sort of beat-box loop, reversed and recorded at four different playback speeds, with a little reverb added to sweeten things up a bit. Submitted to Sound-In "Time Machine" for 28/4 - 5/5/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Extreme modification of the title phrase using Audacity plug-ins. Submitted to Sound-In "Open as the Sky" for 21-28/4/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Voice modified by EHX Stereo Memory Man, with a setting that I really haven't played with much for the simple reason that I don't understand it much. That hasn't really changed, but it was kinda fun to play with. Submitted to Sound-In "Changing…
trawnajim's avatar
It started with an innocent little recording of a local creek, then I decided to add a few things: Two slightly different tracks of MiniMoog sounds, and a piece of processed vocal improvisations. Submitted to Sound-In "New Creative Thoughts…
trawnajim's avatar
Yet another Voice Box vocoder/ Gakken / SMM piece, this time a take on part of the classic Steve Reich tape work "It's Gonna Rain". Submitted to Sound-In "April _____" for 31/3-7/4/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Some more sounds from the Voice Box vocoder/ Gakken / Stereo Memory Man combo. Submitted to Sound-In "April _____" for 31/3-7/4/2022.
trawnajim's avatar
Sound source is The Crutch (gotta think up a better name, but that'll do for now), which is an old wooden crutch where the bottom part can swivel, and a guitar string is attached going from one of the height-adjustment screw holes up to the hand…
trawnajim's avatar
A muchly modified recording of a stringed device that may someday be made into a sort of aeolean harp if'n I can get the parts (tuners, mainly). At the moment, it's just four brass-wound strings hanging from the improvised bridge that was originally…
trawnajim's avatar
More EHX Voice Box vocoder controlled by a Gakken mini-synth into an EHX Stereo Memory Man. Submitted to Sound-In for 17-24/3/2022.