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Ukkie The Little Hedgehog


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Ah, I made a video about the little hedgehog who is living here in a room in our house. He was in our garden, in the snow, looking for food. He was way to small to survive winter (the young ones at least must be 600 grams); Uk was ill and 220 grams. I forcefeeded him and he made it till now, and gained some weight :-) he is 746 grams now!
When the weather will be nice and gentle, he will go back in the garden to be a real man in hedgehogland, so that he can meet his first lady hedgehog :-).
The music I improvised with the Wersi Atlantis, but I must say that this time it is more about the video with our lovely Ukkie!
Also did some investigation for making good videos, and finally I had and infrared video lamp, great and simple solution!

Thank you all also for the great support to some of my music! I do appreciate so much. As soon as time permits I will be around more here. I think it is a very gentle place here!
Have a great week you all!

Guest said

Like the soundscape in this. Enjoyed. AL

Guest said

gently leading me away from my distracted thoughts to a fine fuzzy furry world

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