discoLust MACHINE's listening history

discoLust MACHINE's avatar
dark and bass
glu's avatar
guitars, synths, tabla, tambourine, and elephants (the lead melody at around 01:40)
glu's avatar
This song was made by two different piano samples (both from Sudara): 1. One was recorded by Sudara (and gang?) axing away at a hapless old piano in New Mexico. 2. today, I convinced Sudara to noodle on the piano and send it over to me…
glu's avatar
This song was made by two different piano samples (both from Sudara): 1. One was recorded by Sudara (and gang?) axing away at a hapless old piano in New Mexico. 2. today, I convinced Sudara to noodle on the piano and send it over to me…
Greg Albrecht's avatar
No vocals on this track ... Voice coincidence? Don't listen before beddy byes!
Greg Albrecht's avatar
Greg Albrecht's avatar
John Rigney does the vocals on this track. His passion is Reggae and he has his own Reggae band called 'Kineman Karma.' "Kineman' is a Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal word meaning black or brown. Visit John's website at 'Kineman Karma.com. It's well worth…
dougsparling's avatar
Recorded August 26, 2009 Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADFGC - capo II), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, EBow, Audacity, Sound Forge. Written in 1982 after a trip to Wyoming with a couple of Alex DeGrassi cassettes....
scapeghost's avatar
scapeghost's avatar