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A and E (suck and you'll see)

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A rough demo
Guest vocal - Sarah Marshall
Violins played by Kate Brennan

Suck and you’ll see
A bitter aftertaste of us
It’s all gone slightly sour
And past it’s sell-by hour

Throw them all out
Make a wish and close your eyes
What have you to lose
You know I can’t refuse you

A bitter aftertaste of love
Pucker up and then spit out
Leaves a bad taste in your mouth

Accoutrements and Ephemera

A and E - is where you left me
DNA - is all you get from me
ABC - how I remember her
A and E - Accoutrements and Ephemera

Lick all my wounds
Better kiss me better
Before it all went south
You’d kiss me upon my mouth and…

Eat your own words
Swallow your pride
Like I swallowed mine
And Swallowed your lie
Which left me

Accoutrements and Ephemera

A bitter aftertaste of love
Where the tiniest amount
Leaves a bad taste in your mouth

Accoutrements and Ephemera
Is all I have left of her

A and E - is where you left me
DNA - is all you get from me
ABC - how I remember her
A and E - Accoutrements and Ephemera
A and E - is where you left me
DNA - is all you get from me
ABC - how I remember her
to A and E - Repeat ad lib etc
A and E - Accoutrements and Ephemera
DNA - is what I have to remember her
to A and E

There are letters that you wrote me
There’s her toothpaste in the bathroom
And her poetry she’d quote me makes me cry now
Accident and Emergency

Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Love the harmonies :D
