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Lot's Hospitality Will Save Us (RPM 2013)

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A special “thank you” to the lovely and beautiful Itabit, for lending me some guest backup vocals for this song :)

  1. Lot’s Hospitality Will Save Us

the vote was held, and by presidential order; the populace was to be disarmed.
three weeks later, martial law was declared… and when the first citizen was shot, there was revolt

// i am
// i am an angel
// higher
// than all of you
// i am
// paler than anger
// i am
// the destruction of you

the civil war barely lasted a month.
just long enough for us to cripple ourselves.
the dollar plummeted,
and China did the rational thing.
the thing we ourselves would have done.
they stepped in with NATO backing to help us…
they were protecting their investment.

// i am
// i am an angel
// higher
// than all of you
// i am
// paler than anger
// i am
// the destruction of you
// i am
// i am forever
// hiding
// amongst all of you
// i am
// paler than hatred
// i am
// the destruction of you

the back of the revolution was broken.
and we were occupied until we could be trusted to run ourselves again.
our flag changed, and our anthem changed.
we were still called the united states, but this was the birth of dystopia.

// i am
// i am an angel
// higher
// than all of you
// i am
// paler than anger
// i am
// the destruction of you

many of us now wore distasteful labels:
…labels for fighting to be what our constitution told us we should be.
not nearly as beautiful as whwat we called ourselves…
from that old, dumb movie.
because there was no lying to anyone at this point.
this is truly a red dawn.

some things are worth fighting for.
freedom has never been free.

// i am
// i am God’s vengeance
// i am
// above all of you
// i am
// i am an angel…

Guest said

I like the back up vocals, they seem a little drowned out though.
