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Welcome Home (FTW) (explicit)

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Track 18 from “Someone Else’s Hell”

So, this is what it’s like
To grow old

Everybody needs you
Everybody cares
Except the ways that matter
Why are you still here?

So, this is what it’s like
To come home
A hero

You see everybody needs you
Everybody cares
Except the ways that matter
Why are you still here?

Tie, a yellow ribbon around it
Tie, a f–king ribbon round it
Around me
If it’ll make you feel better

Everybody needs you
Everybody cares
Except the ways that matter

Everybody needs me
Everybody cares
Except the one that matters
Why am I still here?

Take me back to hell again
Take me back, take me back
Take me back to hell again
It’s where I belong

Where everybody needs me
Everybody cares
Except the one back home
Why am I still here?

Guest said

Thanks to to the people that made this worthless. --- V
