VIVIAN CIRCLE 's listening history
There I go again, thinking
You might have something to say
Some sympathy for me?
I’ve worn out my welcome tonight
And it’s freezing on this desert trip
I’ve been screaming at the slightest things
And Robert Blake smiles
On the tv by…
There I go again, thinking
You might have something to say
Some sympathy for me?
I’ve worn out my welcome tonight
And it’s freezing on this desert trip
I’ve been screaming at the slightest things
And Robert Blake smiles
On the tv by…
There I go again, thinking
You might have something to say
Some sympathy for me?
I’ve worn out my welcome tonight
And it’s freezing on this desert trip
I’ve been screaming at the slightest things
And Robert Blake smiles
On the tv by…
Ideal words by TJC music by Vivian Circle
Your porn makes me jealous
When I think I’m in love
And the televisions not there
I want a boy that shakes it
That makes the most of everyday
A sense of humor
and all those sorts of things…